Toward the Light, 2024, bronze, 22 x 10 x 2 cm
Cube, 2024, bronze, 6,5 x 6,5 x 6,5cm
Jug pour, 2024, aluminium, 21 x 14 x 7 cm
Untitled, 2024, bronze 19,5 x 10 x 12 cm
Matter Matters, 2024, bronze on canvas, 21 x 20 cm
Untitled, 2024, bronze, 17 x 19 x 7 cm
A Chair, 2023, bronze, 86 x 55 x 50 cm
Note to self
State of Mind, 2023, bronze, various dimensions
Construction, 2023, bronze, variuos dimensions
Perfect Match, 2023, bronze, 13,5 x 11 cm
House of Cards, 2023, bronze, 17 x 11,5 x 5,5 cm
Untitled, 2023, 666 kilo saltstænger, varierende dimensioner, 290 x 310 x 95 cm
Half a Chair, Whole a Thought, 2023, bronze, 49 x 37 x 43 cm
One Size Fits All, 2022, bronze, 15 x 4,5 x 2 cm
Either/Or, 2023, aluminium, 30 x 31 x 9 cm
Untitled, 2023, saltsticks, 73 x 25 x 23 cm
Untitled, 2022, bronze, various floorcloth sizes
Roses are Forever, 2022, bronze, 37 x 15 x 8 cm
When time is important, 2022, bronze, 20,5 x 20,5 cm
Hang On, bronze, 2021, 8 x 1,2 x 1,5 cm
Lightness of Beeing, 2021, bronze, 8,5 x 2,7 x 2,7 cm
Untitled, 2021, flamingo, lim, papir, spray, 247x121x75 cm
Lost Eternity, 2020, bronze, 10,5 x 6 x 3 cm
Mom and Dad, 2020, bronze, 18,6 x 1,8 x 2,2 cm
Note to Self, 2020-
Untitled, bronze, various dimensions, 2019
Untitled, glazed ceramics, 25 x 13 x 12 cm, 2019
Untitled, ceramic, various floorcloths dimensions, 2019-2020
A Hole like this, deserves a Title, bronze, plastic, 44 x 44 x 66 cm, 2019
Grief is the price of love, 2020, bronze, 29 x 22 8 cm
Resting my case, 2020, aluminium, 31,5 x 23 x 7 cm
Untitled, glazed ceramic, 50 x 23 x 9 cm, 2019
Untitled, glazed ceramic, various dimensions, 2018-2019
A series of ceramic objects with finger tattoos
Just hanging, glazed ceramic, 41 x 19 x 6 cm, 2019
Untitled, glazed ceramic, 48 x 43 x 7 cm, 2019
Inflections, glazed ceramic, 27 x 19 x 8 cm, 2019
Cornetto Classico, variuos cornetto dimensions,bronze, 2019
OOPS, glazed ceramic, 18 x 8,5 x 2 cm, 2019
Untitled, matches, wood, 30 x 17 x 5,5cm, 2018
Kristne One-liners
One Size Fits All (Square), 1400 matches, 12x12x5,3 cm, 2017
Untitled, individual rum Ball cast in bronze, paint, 5,1 x 5,6 x 5,7 cm, 2016, multiple
Objects on embroidery Hangers, 2017
Interior Styling, plant, vase, curling iron, 115 x 30 x 35 cm, 2017
Titles yet unused, unused linoleum plates, 21 x 30 cm, 2015-ongoing project of titles yet unused
Untitled, individual rum Ball cast in bronze, 4,9 x 5,8 x 5,6 cm, 2016, multiple
Untitled, glazed ceramics, 2017-
Popcorn,individual popcorn cast in bronze, paint, 2013-
Cube, 25 x 25 x 25 cm, 3325 popcorn, sculpture, 2013
Light, fluorescent tube, candles, 128 x 27 x10 cm, sculpture, 2011
Me, matches, 33 x 19 x 5,5 cm, sculpture, 2011
Long Onions, bulb, two onions, 9 x 16 x 5,5 cm, sculpture, 2010