Exhibition Event at Udstillingsstedet Sydhavn Station.


Exhibiting Artists: Nanna Gro Henningsen, Hesselholdt & Mejlvang, Skye Jin, Signe Klejs, Anne Langgaard, Madeleine Kate McGowan, and SUPERFLEX.


Researchers from COPE (Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research): Nick Baumgart, Maryam Nastar and John Rand.


SUN IS SHINING takes its title from Bob Marley’s 1971 reggae song, which for many symbolizes a carefree and pleasurable summer. Today, the song's lyrics and melody highlight the sun’s dual nature: on one hand, a vital and life-affirming force, and on the other, a potentially destructive power that contributes to rising temperatures, melting ice caps, more frequent and intense weather events, and rising sea levels.


The exhibition event stems from the COPE (Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research) project at the University of Copenhagen, which studies the impact of heatwaves on both people and the environment, supported by the Queen Mary Center. The project aims to raise awareness about heatwaves, which pose a significant risk to future health and prosperity, and to develop a holistic approach to managing heatwave-related challenges. SUN IS SHINING combines research and art. Taking place at Sydhavn Station – a central hub for residents, commuters, tourists, and art audiences – the event seeks to let art, on its own terms, enrich and nuance the climate debate,

here combined with new research on the topic.


SUN IS SHINING is a collaboration between researchers from COPE(Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research) and Anne Langgaard, who has curated the artists for Sydhavn Station’s informal exhibition space.


Installation photo SUN IS SHINING

Skye Jin: Gardening is Activism, Artist and founder of Gardening is Activism. Illustrations: Roar Lerche. In cooperation with Permakultur Danmark, brought to life in the community Skovhavelunden on Lundtoftegade at Til Vægs; @skyejinartist @gardeningisactivism @til_vaegs @permakulturdanmark


Installation photo SUN IS SHINING


SUPERFLEXBurning Car, 2008, 9:30 min. Still image. Photo: SUPERFLEX


Signe klejs: Blown away, 2019, Installation, colored sand, glas with sand, video 20 min

Signe klejs: Blown away, 2019, Installation, colored sand, glas with sand, video 20 min

Nanna Gro Henningsen: Don’t Blame the Sun, 2025, Installation


Hesselholdt & Mejlvang : Two Fools in a Sinking Boat, performance i Virtual Reality, 2022,15 min, installed at Sydhavn Station.


Madeleine Kate McGowan: It all began at the end, plakatfrise på Sydhavn Station, 11 plakater, 80 x 120 cm





Posters made the researchers Nick Baumgart, Maryam Nastar and John Rand from COPE (Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research)

Anne Langgaard: Untitled, 2025, billboard, 240 x 240 cm


Performance by Madeleine Kate McGowan; Poetic interpretation of the UN Climate Report

Spoken performance by Nanna Gro Henningsen: In an Unfinished Moment at SUN IS SHINING