Installation photo SUN IS SHINING
Skye Jin: Gardening is Activism, Artist and founder of Gardening is Activism. Illustrations: Roar Lerche. In cooperation with Permakultur Danmark, brought to life in the community Skovhavelunden on Lundtoftegade at Til Vægs; @skyejinartist @gardeningisactivism @til_vaegs @permakulturdanmark
Installation photo SUN IS SHINING
SUPERFLEX: Burning Car, 2008, 9:30 min. Still image. Photo: SUPERFLEX
Signe klejs: Blown away, 2019, Installation, colored sand, glas with sand, video 20 min
Signe klejs: Blown away, 2019, Installation, colored sand, glas with sand, video 20 min
Nanna Gro Henningsen: Don’t Blame the Sun, 2025, Installation
Hesselholdt & Mejlvang : Two Fools in a Sinking Boat, performance i Virtual Reality, 2022,15 min, installed at Sydhavn Station.
Madeleine Kate McGowan: It all began at the end, plakatfrise på Sydhavn Station, 11 plakater, 80 x 120 cm
Posters made the researchers Nick Baumgart, Maryam Nastar and John Rand from COPE (Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research)
Anne Langgaard: Untitled, 2025, billboard, 240 x 240 cm
Performance by Madeleine Kate McGowan; Poetic interpretation of the UN Climate Report
Spoken performance by Nanna Gro Henningsen: In an Unfinished Moment at SUN IS SHINING